Wednesday, February 19, 2025 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM (UMT)
Cline Library (28)1001 S Knoles DRFlagstaff AZ 86011
Glenn Hansen(928)
The first of the Nackard Family Honors College Distinguished Speaker Series: Finding, Building, and Restoring Community. This series showcases inspired thinkers from all disciplines addressing issues of vital community interest. The presentations will engage and enlighten students and community members about critical issues facing the region, the nation, and the world. In the first of the series, five leaders in the Arizona nonprofit sector interact with each other on concepts and practices of leadership. DeeAnn Palin, CEO of ONPOINT Business SOlutions moderates the panel comprised of Fran Mallace, CEO and President of Make-a-Wish AZ; Jackson Fonder, CEO UMOM New Day Centers, Kristen L. Genovese, MAEd, CEO Not My Kid; and Tom Eisminger, Jr. MBA, President and CEO, Veterans Medical Leadership Council.